What is the 美国残疾人法案 (ADA)?

美国残疾人法案 is a federal civil rights law built on the principles of equal opportunity, 全面参与, independent living and economic self-sufficiency.  的 intent of the law is to counter myths and stereotypes about people with disabilities and to eliminate segregation and isolation.  的 ADA covers employment; the programs, services and activities provided by state and local governments (think UNH); places of public accommodation (think of all the privately owned places you go to relax, 商店, attend events and conduct business) and transportation.  的 law was enacted in 1990 和n amended in 2008 (ADAAA) to clarify and broaden the interpretation of the definition of 残疾.

What is the definition of 残疾 under the ADA?

的 ADA defines 残疾, as it applies to an individual, as:

  1. a 身体或精神损伤 that substantially limits one or more of the 主要生活活动 of such individual,
  2. 损伤记录:这种损伤的记录,或
  3. being regarded as having such an impairment.


  1. 这句话 身体或精神损伤 意味着-
    • (A) Any physiological disorder or condition, 化妆品毁容, or anatomical loss affecting one or more of the following body systems:  neurological, 肌肉骨骼, 特殊感觉器官, 呼吸(包括语言器官), 心血管, 生殖, 消化, 泌尿生殖器的, 血液和淋巴, 皮肤。, 和内分泌.
    • (B) Any mental or psychological disorder such as 精神发育迟滞, 器质性脑综合症, 情绪或精神疾病, 以及特殊学习障碍.
    • A 身体或精神损伤 包括, 但不限于, such contagious and non-contagious diseases and conditions as orthopedic, 视觉, 语言和听力障碍, 脑瘫, 癫痫, 肌肉萎缩症, 多发性硬化症, 癌症, 心脏病, 糖尿病, 精神发育迟滞, 情绪病, 特殊学习障碍, HIV disease (whether symptomatic or asymptomatic), 肺结核, 药物成瘾, 和酒精中毒.
    •  这句话 身体或精神损伤 does not include homo性uality or bi性uality.
    •  这句话 主要生活活动 means functions such as caring for one's self, 执行手动任务, 走, 看到, 听力, 说话, 呼吸, 学习, 和工作.
  2. 这句话 有这样的损害记录吗 说明这个人有, 或者被错误地归类为拥有, a mental or physical impairment that substantially limits one or more 主要生活活动.
  3. 这句话 被视为有缺陷 意味着-
    • An individual has a 身体或精神损伤 that does not substantially limit 主要生活活动 but that is treated by a public entity as constituting such a limitation;
    • An individual has a 身体或精神损伤 that substantially limits 主要生活活动 only as a result of the attitudes of others toward such impairment; or
    • An individual has none of the impairments defined in paragraph (1) of this definition but is treated by a public entity as having such an impairment.


Several federal agencies are responsible for enforcing the provisions of the ADA.

  • Employment is covered by Title I of the ADA and is enforced by the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission.
  • UNH is a public university offering programs, activities and services on behalf of the State of New Hampshire and so we are covered by Title II of the ADA. Anyone who interfaces with the university (student, employee or visitor) is protected from discrimination based on 残疾.  的 美国司法部, Disability Rights Division enforces Title II.
  • Public transportation such as Wildcat Transit is also covered by Title II of the ADA and is enforced by the 美国司法部 美国运输部.
  • 私人实体, known as places of accommodation under the ADA, are covered by Title III 和 rules and regulations are enforced by the 美国司法部.
  • Telephone and television access for people with 听力 and speech disabilities is covered by Title IV of the ADA and enforced by the 联邦通信委员会.

Are there any other federal laws that protect individuals with 残疾?

1973年的康复法案, 修改人, prohibits discrimination on the basis of 残疾 in programs conducted by Federal agencies, in programs receiving Federal financial assistance, in Federal employment and in the employment practices of Federal contractors.  虽然UNH不是联邦实体, the institution does benefit from federal dollars and so our programs and activities must be conducted in compliance with Act.  类似于ADA, various Federal agencies enforce the Rehabilitation Act but as an institution of higher education UNH is primarily monitored by the US Department of Education, 民权司.  适用的部分:

  • Section 504 – requires that programs and activities that use Federal funds must be conducted in a manner that is non-discriminatory based on 残疾.  At UNH this covers a wide variety of programs and activities such as Federally-funded research and Federally-funded student services such as financial aid 和 TRIO student support services program.
  • Section 508 – establishes requirements for electronic and information technology developed, 维护, 采购, 或由联邦政府使用.

公平住房法(FHA), 1988年修订, prohibits discrimination in housing on the basis of race, color, 宗教, 性, 残疾, 家庭状况和国籍.  房屋设施业主, 比如UNH 住房, are required to have policies or make reasonable exceptions to policies that afford students with disabilities an equal opportunity to benefit from campus housing and related activities.

For more information on all 残疾 rights laws: 《澳门葡京网赌游戏》

What office at UNH is responsible for compliance with the ADA and other federal 残疾 laws?
